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Why hello there! Im 19 & a hard working law student (you can actually forget the hard working part). I've always been a lover of cosmetics but as being a student has hit my pocket hard, I do love a bargain and giving products and brands a run for their money! Come & join me!

Thursday 3 March 2011

REVIEW: Clinique Anti-Blemish Solution 3 Step System

Yes, my first ever post. No, I don't know where to start!

So! About a month ago, I went into my local Boots and headed straight to the Clinique counter. After doing some research (about 3 months worth.. it's expensive stuff and I'm a student!) I decided it was time to quit with all the cheaper products on the market due to NOTHING curing my acne (it's not very severe, and mostly on my forehead with the odd spot here and there). The lady approached me and I asked her to explain how the Clinique Anti-Blemish 3 step system worked and if it was exactly the same as the normal 3 steps. I have used the normal 3 step system before and I don't really know why I stopped. But as my skin had got considerably worse since back then, I considered the anti-blemish range instead. After speaking to the lady, and testing out my skin, she told me I did have the right skin for the range and "it will clear my skin in about 4 weeks of using it AM and PM". Happy days! FINALLY!

The first step is the Cleansing Foam

125 ML - RRP £13.28 (bit of an odd price, I know)
"Mild cleansing foam helps to clear and prevent blemishes. Removes dirt and excess oil. Unclogs pores."
You use the Cleansing Foam just like a normal face wash and is designed for all skin types.

The second step is the Clarifying Lotion

200 ML - RRP £16.34 (again, an odd price)
"Gentle exfoliating formula clears dead surface cells and reduces excess oil that can lead to breakouts. Unclogs pores."
This is basically your toner.

The last step is the Clearing Moisturizer (spelt with a z, hehe)

50 ML - £15.32 (yes, they are all strange prices)
"Powerful blemish fighting ingredients helps treat existing blemishes and prevent future breakouts. Lightweight, moisturizing formula."
Your moisturiser :)

BUT.. me purchasing three products from Clinique costing me £45 obviously wasn't good enough for them, as after three days of using the 3 step system morning and night, my skin was literally flaking off. GROSSSSSS OR WHAT. So, I headed back up to boots to sort my mess of a face out after struggling to put my make up on without looking like one big patch. I bought an exfoliator..

7 Day Scrub Cream, Rinse-off Formula

100 ML - RRP £16.85

As it was a different lady at the counter, she asked me what my skin type is. She recommended me with a more gentle exfoliator that I can use everyday, rather than a more harsh one that you use twice or three times a week. So off I went home, got all my make up off, started rubbing the exfoliator into my face, and OMGGGGG, it was like rubbing grit into my face! My face was stinging like crazyyyyy! So I rinsed it off and washed my face with the cleansing foam. All was good. Then I went to use to clarifying lotion.. and again.. OMGGGG! I actually had to grit my teeth with how much it was stinging my skin! Put the moisturiser on and all was okay again. I then couldn't bring myself to use it that night, so got my make up off and washed it with the foam and moisturised and that was it. I tried again the next morning, and same again! NO :( I had just spent all this money and I couldnt bring myself to use it! So I left it that night and the next morning and the next night. I then tried again that morning. It was okay! YAY! :D The exfoliator didn't seem as harsh on my skin and the clarifying lotion didn't sting. As the lady said it would take two weeks to see a difference, and 4 weeks for my skin to be clear, I didn't worry about not seeing a change. Two weeks came and went and my skin was worse than ever. I had a two week check up with the lady at the counter and she said to give it another 2 weeks. Well, I've given it another 2 weeks, and still my skin is just as bad as 2 weeks ago. I'm going to carry on as she said my skin will get worse before it gets better.

So far, it's not too positive I'm afraid, but I will upload another post in another couple of weeks with the latest news on my very spotty face :)

CIAO! xxxxx

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